How to Survive and Thrive During the Fourth Trimester
Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. You got this mama. You’ve just done one of the most selfless acts on earth and created love in human form. How amazing is that? Now that you’re home, the feeling of euphoria is slowly wearing off and getting replaced with sleep deprivation and extreme highs and lows.
When you become a first time mom, no one really prepares you for the fourth trimester. Yes, you heard that right. The fourth trimester is the first three postpartum months that includes trying to heal mentally and physically from the experience of childbirth while also trying to figure out this new human being who rarely sleeps, cries for hours and is hungry all the time.
Between the lack of sleep, physical pain and your hormones significantly dropping from the highest they’ve ever been, it’s easy to find yourself slipping into a mental breakdown. Being that I just got through my second bout of the foggy fourth trimester in less than a year and a half, I’m here to let you know about the many things that got me through.
Please be aware that I’m speaking from my experience. If you think that there is a slight chance that you may be experiencing postpartum depression, please contact your doctor asap!
Sleep When Baby Sleeps
I know I know, everyone says this and it’s easier said than done but really, sleep when your baby sleeps. Since newborns wake about every two hours around the clock, try to get some rest in between feedings. You may be tempted to use the time when the baby is sleeping to do some tidying up but that can wait. Sleep deprivation plus out of whack hormones are not a good mix.
Another potential option is to take night shifts with your partner. My husband and I would switch off watching the baby every four hours, that way, we were getting at least 4 straight hours of sleep. Getting a decent amount of zz’s can help you physically heal from child birth as well as boost your energy to take care of your baby.
Accept Help
Family and friends may check in with you to see if you need help and as women, many of us don’t know how to accept help. Say yes to allowing people to bring food, tidy up your house, or hold the baby while you take a shower. It’ll take a lot of the stress of daily chores off your shoulders.
If no one volunteers to help don’t be afraid to ask for help too! Some people may assume that you’re okay or that you’ll call them if you need help. If you feel like you need an extra helping hand, just ask.
Get Out and Walk
A little fresh air or change of scenery can do wonders for your mood. Once you’re up for it, put that baby in a stroller and take a walk around your neighborhood or the park and I guarantee you will feel an elevation in your mood. While going on that lovely stroll you’ll get a bit of exercise, realize that there’s life outside of your home, AND your baby will most likely fall asleep with all of that movement. See, everyone will be happy!
I can hear a few of you saying, “what if it’s too cold outside”? My daughter was a February baby so I completely understand. Try going for a walk inside a mall near you. Whenever I would get cabin fever, I’d just go to the mall to walk around and people watch. As a first time mom it was perfect, if my baby would start crying, the mall was loud so no one would notice.
Capture Memories
It all goes by so quickly! A few times a week, you’re going to wake up and realize your baby is a little different, a little older. While you’re trying to function through the brain fogginess and limited sleep, it’s easy for the fourth trimester to become a blur. Make sure you capture those precious moments so you have something to remember. Take photos of that sleepy newborn smile, take videos of those cute little sounds they make because soon enough, they’ll leave those moments in the newborn phase.
You can also get a “Baby’s Firstt” book to capture dates and photos such as first bath and first smile.
Another popular option is using a monthly milestone blanket to document your baby’s growth during the first 12 months.
Allow yourself to heal
You’ve just given birth to a WHOLE baby! Give your body time to heal before you start trying to check things off of your to-do list. In addition to getting as much rest as you can, drink plenty of water. I know I should be saying and eat healthy meals but eat whatever the heck you want, just make sure you’re eating.
Embrace the process of healing from this amazing feat as you SLOWLY heal physically and mentally. There are plenty of social media posts showing women who are out and about in their pre-pregnancy clothes 1 week postpartum but that isn’t realistic for a majority of us. Don’t put that type of pressure on yourself and just focus on spending time with your little one.

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September 11, 2019 at 12:27 pmI wish after I had my kids that I knew about the fourth trimester. I feel like life would have made so much more sense then. Thanks for sharing these tips
September 17, 2019 at 2:57 pmI hope it helps! 🙂
September 11, 2019 at 6:04 pmYes! This is such an awesome but trying period! Great advice
September 17, 2019 at 2:57 pmIt’s such a crazy period!
Lindsey | GreenMamaLife
September 12, 2019 at 12:51 amI love the little encouragement at the start ♥️ Also love that you added walking. I think it saved my sanity! ( Well some at least).
September 17, 2019 at 2:58 pmHaha thanks! Yes walking helped SO much!
Chelsae Lund
September 12, 2019 at 12:13 pmAccepting help was so hard for me but once I learned to do it my life was so much easier. Great tips momma!
September 17, 2019 at 2:58 pmThank you! For some reason, I think accepting help is hard for all of us mamas!
Kristine | Smart Living Mama
September 12, 2019 at 2:35 pmThis is wonderful advice! Great post, thanks for sharing!
September 17, 2019 at 2:59 pmThank you!
September 12, 2019 at 7:29 pmI resonate with the title so much… being a brand new mom is tough and if all you can do is survive, then awesome! But I always strive for a little more than just getting by. I want to thrive! Great tips! Thanks so much!
September 17, 2019 at 2:59 pmThank you!
September 14, 2019 at 10:08 pmI needed to read this! I am due with baby #2 next month and I feel like many people, even moms, forget about the 4th trimester.
September 17, 2019 at 3:00 pmI feel like the brain fogginess and sleep deprivation causes us to forget about the fourth trimester each time haha!
September 15, 2019 at 11:16 pmI remember those days…
September 17, 2019 at 3:00 pmSuper crazy!!