4 Fast and Easy Ways to Calm a Crying Baby

There’s most likely a certain time of the day, every day, when your newborn baby cries constantly. Even if you’ve fed and changed your baby, the crying continues. You’re most likely experiencing what some people call witching hour or purple crying. This phase normally begins around 2 weeks and tapers off between 12 and 16 weeks. Although frustrating, it’s a normal developmental phase during the first few months of life.

Witching hour can be extremely difficult to get through each day.  Here are a few ways to soothe your baby and will hopefully lead to a lot less tears from both you and your baby!


Try Harvey Karp’s 5S Method


Many babies, especially during the newborn phase, still like the feeling of being in the womb and the 5S method perfectly simulates that. The 5S’s (swaddle, side position, shush, swing and suck) can calm your baby through womb-like sensations. Do all 5S’s at the same time for ultimate soothing.


Swaddle your baby snuggly in a light receiving blanket; not too tight but snug enough where she can’t move her arms around. Swaddling mimics the warm and cozy feeling in the womb and also reduces your baby’s involuntary movements that may disturb them.

If you find that the origami-like swaddling is a little too complicated, you can also use a swaddle blanket like the HALO Sleepsack Swaddle which is 10 times easier to use, especially if you’re sleep deprived and already stressed from a crying baby.

Side Position

Turn your baby on her side while holding her. This provides her with comfort while being held close to you.


Softly make a “sshhhhhh” noise near his ear to simulate the sounds that babies hear when in the womb.  You’ll notice your baby beginning to calm down almost instantly.


While supporting baby’s neck, lay her on her side and rock her by making small but quick motions back and forth, no more than an inch each way.

Since constant movement was calming for your baby in your womb, quick small movements will help sooth your baby in her new environment.


Babies like to soothe themselves through sucking.  Give your baby something to suck on like a pacifier and watch him relax.


Get moving

As mentioned above, babies enjoy movement! There are plenty of ways you can provide constant motion for your baby.

Try putting your baby in the car and going for a drive. Your baby will likely calm down and even fall asleep.

Rocking your baby in a glider or rocking chair is a long standing go-to for many parents. Not only does the movement calm your baby, it is also a very special way to bond.

Similar to car drives, going on a walk with your baby in a stroller also provides the motion that will soothe your baby.

Wear Baby     


Wearing your baby in a carrier or sling is another way to lessen the cries. Babies are in pure bliss while being so close to you which makes them feel secure and comforted. It also allows you to free up your hands in case you need to multitask.

There are many carrier options including structured carriers, wraps, and slings.  You may have to try a few to determine what works best for you and baby.

White Noise Machines

Babies tend to calm down when they hear a rhythmic sound. Many white noise machines provide a variety of soothing options that can bring your baby to tranquility.

If you don’t want to purchase a white noise machine, you can find gadgets around the house that will do the trick such as a fan, a hair dryer, or using an app on your phone.

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  1. Renee

    October 2, 2019 at 3:35 pm

    Great tips!! My daughter cried nonstop! Thanks for these!!

  2. Aubri

    October 2, 2019 at 3:42 pm

    Great post! Always need more ways to calm a crying baby! I’ll remember these later today and try them out! My little one loves to be held and carried so I’m sure they will work!

  3. Kristin Alexander

    October 2, 2019 at 3:54 pm

    These tips are the best yet! They are all very calming and great for mom and baby! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Catherine

    October 2, 2019 at 4:01 pm

    Great advice. Although we are past the early baby stages but all the practical advice that mums can get today is great. Finding your own rhythm and what works for you and your baby is all part of the fun.

  5. Fatema

    October 2, 2019 at 7:59 pm

    We used to use the white noise method for my daughter who had hard time sleeping. Great tips, thanks for sharing.

  6. Beth

    October 3, 2019 at 1:48 am

    These are great tips! I will remember the 5 S’s for my next one!

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