How to Help your Baby Love Tummy Time

As a parent of a new baby, I’m sure you’ve been told by your peditrition, mom friends and parenting books to make sure you give your baby tummy time throughout the day.  But what exactly is tummy time and why is it important for our babies? Well, let’s talk about it!

What is tummy time

Simply put, tummy time is placing your baby on his belly to help him develop important muscles and motor skills. Tummy time should be supervised and while your baby is awake. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies sleep on their back and play on their tummy.  

Benefits of tummy time

Allowing your baby to spend time on his belly strengthens neck, back and shoulder muscles to help your baby lift his head, sit up, and eventually crawl and walk. Tummy time also develops motor skills through developing trunk control which helps with sitting and balance.

Flat head syndrome, which can be caused by your baby laying on his back for long periods of time, may also be prevented through tummy time. Giving your baby tummy time can also help relieve gas pain through the movement of baby being on his belly.

When to start tummy time

You can start including tummy time into your daily schedule as soon as you bring your baby home from the hospital.

Don’t be surprised if your baby resists tummy time at the beginning as they’ll need to get used to it. Begin your tummy time sessions with a few short periods at a time.

How much tummy time

Start with a few minutes of tummy time a day until your baby gets used to being on his belly, Work your way up to an hour a day by three months or as much tummy time as your baby can handle.

Remember, it doesn’t have to be all at once, do a few minutes at a time throughout the day.

Baby smiling on tummy

How to do tummy time

For those of us who struggle with a baby who doesn’t enjoy tummy time, here are some ways that you can make tummy time more enjoyable for both you and your baby.

Chest to chest

Laying on the couch or resting on pillows, place your baby on your chest. As your baby gets older, he’ll be able to lift his head up to look at you.

Chest to chest tummy time is a great option, especially in the newborn phase, as you’re already enjoying snuggling with your baby.

Using a Boppy

Some babies don’t enjoy being flat on their stomach during the early phase so a great alternative is propping the baby belly down on a Boppy pillow or any c-shaped pillow.  Babies tend to tolerate tummy time a little longer laying at an angle with a soft cushion under their belly.

Tummy time on yoga ball

Do you already have an yoga ball at home? Then this option can be really exciting for your baby. Place your baby’s chest on a yoga ball and hold him securely. Gently roll your baby back and forth on the yoga ball. You can also sit in front of your baby and talk to him while you hold him on the yoga ball.

Add some toys

As your baby gets used to tummy time, he’ll enjoy having some of his favorite toys laying around to entertain him. You can put out toys that rattle and squeak that he can focus on as he’s getting tummy time in. This is also great to help your baby start reaching out and grabbing objects.

You can also put a mirror in front of him so he can look at himself which is entertainment on its own. There are also activity gyms that come with attached floors or mirror.

Baby playing tummy time

Tummy time milestones

As you continue to give your baby some tummy time, you’ll begin to notice him hitting some important milestones.  Here are some tummy time milestones that you should expect:

  • 2 Weeks old- getting used to being on tummy. Baby probably won’t do tummy time for extended periods
  • 1 Month-Baby can turn his head and begin to lift it
  • 2 Month- Baby can press hands into the ground and slightly lift their chest
  • 3 Month- Baby can lift head 45 to 90 degrees
  • 4 Months- be able to lift head to 90 degrees and press hands into ground more to lift their chest
  • 5 Months-straighten arms to lift chest off the floor
  • 6 months-reaching for toys in front of them and start trying to move around
Help your baby love tummy time

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