Swaddle Blankets vs Receiving Blankets: What’s the Difference
Here is everything you need to know about swaddle blankets vs receiving blankets.
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What is a receiving blanket?
A receiving blanket is a thin blanket made of a soft flannel cotton material and is the first blanket that your baby is going to be snugged in after birth. Receiving blankets usually measure 30 by 40 inches and are inexpensive. They are usually sold in a pack of two or four and are perfect for a variety of tasks related to newborns, such as burping and swaddling. They serve the purpose of providing warmth to your baby after birth so that he/she may feel safe and secure. The breathable material helps the air to flow through it, thus providing optimum temperature for the baby. When comparing swaddle blankets vs receiving blankets, a receiving blanket is relatively smaller and is extremely suitable for a variety of applications. Although you can recognize a receiving blanket by its usual hospital version of stripy prints, they are available in a variety of colors and patterns that are perfect for your taste and style.
Why is it called a receiving blanket?
If you have recently given birth to a beautiful baby or have visited someone close to you in the hospital which has given birth, you are sure to see or hold the baby snuggled up in a blue or red striped blanket. Doesn’t it amaze you that every baby is wrapped in an almost alike blanket after birth? Well, it is because hospitals have a whole stock of them specially kept for providing the baby with the same environment as that of the uterus after he is born. And that is exactly why they are called receiving blanket-they are the first blankets that are used to wrap the newly born so that their parents and siblings can officially meet the newest addition to the family. The soft cotton material is specially designed for touching the baby’s delicate skin and is a sure way to keep your baby warm and secure.
What is a swaddle blanket?
Every new mother must add a swaddle blanket to her baby’s collection as they are specially designed for swaddling a newly born. But what is swaddling? Swaddling is just a fancy word for wrapping the baby in a blanket to make him feel safe and secure. You might have seen a picture of a baby wrapped up to look like a burrito that looks so cute that you can not take your eyes off. That is exactly what a swaddle blanket is for- so that your little one cannot wriggle out. Swaddle blankets are a must to have for keeping your baby warm and cozy without overheating him/her and for preventing babies’ startle reflex. It is also great for reducing the chances of sudden infant death syndrome or cot death as it mimics the feeling that babies experience in the womb, thus helping them feel safe and secure. Most of the swaddle blankets are made up of 100% pure cotton, perfect for a snug and comfortable feeling. They are machine washable and come in different sizes and colors, so you may choose the one that fits your taste and style.
There are two main types of swaddle blankets for parents to choose from. One is a traditional swaddle blanket that is a large and thin blanket made from a soft and material such as cotton, bamboo, or muslin. The other type is two-in-ones swaddling blankets that are specifically designed for either wrapping up the baby all snugly or wrapping them up in a way that leaves their arms out. Such types of swaddle blankets come with a variety of new features, such as zippers or Velcro. Both types of blankets ensure the safety of your newborn and make swaddling a lot easier for you.
Swaddle Blankets vs Receiving Blankets
If you are wondering which blanket you should buy, know that both of these terms for blankets are used interchangeably, each one of them has a specific and unique design to serve the particular purpose. While you may think that there are not many differences to add to swaddle blankets vs receiving blankets list, there are plenty of points that separate them.
Receiving blankets are specifically designed for fresh-from-the womb babies and are usually smaller than swaddle blankets. They are also made from a soft yet tough material to withstand laundry wash and heavy use. In fact, they work for a variety of temperature conditions and are a multi-purpose item.
On the other hand, swaddling blankets are made up of soft yet stretchy material for tightly wrapping babies of all sizes and have additional features like Velcro, zippers, and snaps that help swaddle wrapping. In addition to this, they also have two different types-the traditional swaddling blankets and the two-in-ones. They are specifically created after keeping a purpose in mind while receiving blankets serve a large list of purposes.
To answer your question on swaddle blankets vs receiving blankets, both blankets can be used for swaddling and snuggling, and some of the features may make one product superior to the other for serving a specific purpose. You can use a receiving blanket as a swaddle blanket by just mastering the folds.
What styles do receive blankets come in?
Receiving blankets come in a single style. They are the most widely used type of baby blankets. Despite the fact that they are quite standard in size and shape, there are multifunctional. So, you can use these for several purposes. Here are a few to name:
- You can use a receiving blanket as a swaddle blanket as well. Although you will need to master the art of swaddling your baby with receiving blanket, once you master it, it is super easy and convenient.
- You can use these blankets as a mat for unfamiliar surfaces as well.
- These work best as a substitute for changing mats as well.
- You can use it as a blanket to cover your baby up as well.
What styles do swaddle blankets come in?
Swaddle blankets come in several styles, but their main purpose is to swaddle the baby. These are usually smaller in size and have a single function. Here are a few to name:
- Traditional: a traditional swaddle blanket is very much like a receiving blanket. You can wrap it around your baby and turn him into a cute little burrito.
- Zipper swaddles: these types of swaddle blankets are very convenient. These are rectangular or square in shape and have a zipper at both ends. You can fit the baby in and zip him up. Simple and easy.
- Sack/pouch swaddle: swaddles come in sack-shape as well. You can secure your baby in it using Velcro or a snap. It makes it easy for parents to hold the babies securely. And it is very convenient as well.

How to swaddle with a receiving blanket?
You can use a receiving blanket to swaddle your baby by following the following easy steps.
Step 1: Firstly, spread the receiving blanket in a diamond shape.
Step 2: Next, you have to fold the top corner of the receiving blanket about 3-4 inches.
Step 3: place the baby gently in the middle of the blanket so that the place from where the blanket is folded rests underneath his neck.
Step 4: hold the baby’s right arm down towards his side, and wrap the blanket from that side to the opposite. Once it reaches the other side, tuck in under the baby’s body.
Step 5: Bring the bottom corner of the blanket up and fold it so that it reaches just as high as the baby’s neck.
Step 6: Now, hold the left arm to the left side, and wrap that side to the opposite and tuck it underneath the baby.
Step 7: Secure the open end with a safety pin
How many receiving blankets do I need?
Well, ideally, having three receiving blankets are enough. You can put one in your diaper bag so that if your baby spills vomit over it, you can change it. However, if you are not buying any swaddles, you can buy four receiving blankets. Thanks to the fact that they are washable and the material stays soft, your baby will stay comfortable even after many washes.
How many receiving blankets do I need for the hospital?
You don’t need any. As hospitals always keep receiving blankets with them to give you the baby all snuggled up in, you don’t need to worry about taking one of your own. But these are often white with red and blue stripes. And if u want a customized blanket to receive your baby in, you might consider buying one that suits your style and taste.
Best receiving blankets
Simple Joys by Carter’s Baby 7-Pack Flannel Receiving Blankets
These are great gender neutral option and includes 7 different receiving blankets. One is in the more modern grey, black and white while the other option includes a little more color.
Personalized Baby Blanket
This is a great choice for baby’s first receiving blanket. You can personalize it and it comes in many colors.
Spasilk Unisex Baby 4 Pack 100% Cotton Flannel Receiving Blanket
I love this 100% cotton receiving blanket. It is gender neutral and comes with 4 in a pack.
Disney Winnie The Pooh Receiving Blankets
This 2 pack of Disney Winnie the Pooh receiving blankets is perfect for the Disney lovers!
Best swaddle blankets
Love To Dream Swaddle UP
Swaddle Up swaddle blankets are great for babies who love to sleep with their arms near their heads. It’s so easy to put on and slip off during middle of the night diaper changes.
HALO Sleep Sack
HALO sleep sacks a popular swaddle blanket option. Hospitals are now also offering them when baby is still in the hospital.
Nested Bean Zen Sack
This is great for babies who need to feel like mommy’s hand is on their chest. With this swaddle blanket, you zip your baby into the blanket. It also has a weighted “egg” that mimics the pressure of being held so it helps them sleep longer.
Do I need a receiving blanket?
While you, as a new parent, can certainly do well without receiving a blanket, I recommend that you get some for your little one. If your baby doesn’t like to be swaddled or wrapped up in them, don’t worry. You can stock them up at your house for plenty of other purposes. It doesn’t matter if you are ‘if only absolutely needed’ kind of a mom; you will be amazed by the uses of a receiving blanket as they are absolutely remarkable for snuggling too. In addition to this, you need to add them to your registry as they can also be used as burp cloths and nursing. You won’t regret your decision to buy them.
Other uses for receiving blankets
There is no end to the use of receiving blankets. From the time you receive your baby all wrapped up in these blankets to seeing your little ones growing up, you are sure to use them for plenty of purposes. When your baby is just an infant and is young, receiving blankets is a must to have for the following purposes.
- Wrapping your little one after a bath: Since the receiving blankets are made up of a soft fabric and retain body heat, they are perfect for wrapping your newborn after a bath.
- Swaddling: Just when you thought there are no more uses of a receiving blanket, we present to you swaddling. All you need to do is to get the steps down, and you will be all ready to calm your newly born.
- Stroller cover: If you are out strolling your baby in the streets and it suddenly starts to rain, or the sun is too much for your baby, receiving blankets come to the rescue and help you block out the sun or protect your baby from the rain.
- Playmats: Picture this: You are visiting a friend or are out in the park, and your baby gets this sudden urge to play on the ground. What to do? Simply just tug out a receiving blanket from your bag and make it a play mat. A purpose well-served!
- Breastfeeding cover-ups: Need to breastfeed on the go? No worries, receiving blankets provides you with the privacy that you need. They also help you to wipe spit-ups or drools.
- Provide security to your little one: What is better than your baby having his blankie to cover him up when he is scared or wants to keep an item that he has literally from birth?
- Alternative to diaper changing mat: Either you are using a public restroom for changing your baby’s diaper or want to protect your friend’s sofa from any diaper emergency, receiving mats are great to give you a clean and safe changing space.
- Alternative to burp cloths: Perfect to keep if your baby is a messy eater.
When your baby is a bit older, and you feel like there is no use of the receiving blankets, you may want to consider using them as room decorations, cleaning rags, aprons when helping your baby in an art project, furniture covers, or turning them into sentimental memos. In addition to this, you can also donate them to animal shelters to make crates comfier and easier to clean.
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